Предлагаем вашему вниманию масштабный англоязычный репортаж о прошедшем X Международном музыкальном фестивале "Вселенная звука" .
В репортаже представлены значительные музыкальные фрагменты со всех концертов Фестиваля (страны-участники: Бразилия, Иран, Китай, Колумбия, Португалия, Республика Корея, Россия (Республика Алтай), Япония).
Спасибо Ольге Шаповаловой!
10th International festival Sound of Universe
Olga Shapovalova | 8.07.2012, 15:11 |
Today we are setting off to the citadel of classical music art – Moscow Conservatory. However, on this occasion do not expect any staggering piano passages or some flashy tutti from symphonic orchestras… We are presenting a one-of-a-kind festival, which for the 10th consecutive year is being held by the World Music Center of Moscow Conservatory. Today we are setting off to the citadel of classical music art – Moscow Conservatory. However, on this occasion do not expect any staggering piano passages or some flashy tutti from symphonic orchestras…We are presenting a one-of-a-kind festival, which for the 10th consecutive year is being held by the World Music Center of Moscow Conservatory. It is entitled Universe of Sound, and features traditional music from practically all over the world! Source: Voice of Russia. |